Oportunitati de afaceri Ucraina PDF Imprimare Email


Full name of the company, year of foundation *

“Trade House Rud Exhaust System” LLC, 2016

ID (registration) code *


Head of the company *

Mr. Yuriy Rud

Products offered for export *

Convective heating wood stoves and accessories

Name and code of the product in accordance with the HCDCS (Harmonized commodity description and coding system) *

convective heating wood stove 73218900

convective heating wood stove with cooking top 73211190

stovebase 73219000

wood stove for cooking dishes “Baker” 73211110

wood stove for cooking dishes “Roma” 73211110

Available quality certificates, permits, licenses etc.

Certificate No. 0033/104/2015

Countries where the company currently sells its products

The  Netherlands, South Korea, Jordan, Latvia

Approximate prices, volume and terms of supply  

According to the Contract

Contact information (mail address, website, e-mail, phone, fax, English speaking contact person) *

e-mail: Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza

Phone number: +380 50 638 20 21


English speaking contact person: Liudmila Rud

Additional useful information, comments

“Trade House Rud Exhaust System” is specialized in manufacturing heating convective wood stoves with cooking top and without it. Wood stoves operate on solid fuel and can heat accomodations with the volume from 100 m3 to 1500 m3. Wood stoves of Rud Exhaust System manufacturing are quite economical due to the special technology of burning. Multisample inspection at all stages confirms high quality of the products.

* - позиції, обов’язкові до заповнення. У разі відсутності згаданої інформації запит опрацьовуватися не буде

Разом з заповненою формою надсилаються додаткові презентаційні, інформаційні матеріали тощо в електронній формі, англійською мовою або мовою країни, до якої надсилається пропозиція


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