Full name of the company, year of foundation *
TOV “Ukrainian Solutions”, 2017
ID (registration) code *
Head of the company *
Oleksandr Danylchuk
Products offered for export *
Mineral natural hydrocarbonate sodium boric medicinal-drinking water
Name and code of the product in accordance with the HCDCS (Harmonized commodity description and coding system) *
Available quality certificates, permits, licenses etc.
mineral water - ДСТУ-878-93
Countries where the company currently sells its products
Belarus, Poland
Approximate prices, volume and terms of supply
0,26$/1,5 litre
FOB (by sea, by trucks, by train)
Contact information (mail address, website, e-mail, phone, fax, English speaking contact person) *
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+380632842267 – Maksym Skrypchenko
Additional useful information, comments
* - позиції, обов’язкові до заповнення. У разі відсутності згаданої інформації запит опрацьовуватися не буде
Разом з заповненою формою надсилаються додаткові презентаційні, інформаційні матеріали тощо в електронній формі, англійською мовою або мовою країни, до якої надсилається пропозиція
Full name of the company, year of foundation *
TOV “Ukrainian Solutions”, 2017
ID (registration) code *
Head of the company *
Oleksandr Danylchuk
Products offered for export *
Name and code of the product in accordance with the HCDCS (Harmonized commodity description and coding system) *
Available quality certificates, permits, licenses etc.
Vodka - ISO 9001:2008 and ДСТУ 4256:2003
Countries where the company currently sells its products
United States, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Germany, Vietnam, the Baltic countries
Approximate prices, volume and terms of supply
Contact information (mail address, website, e-mail, phone, fax, English speaking contact person) *
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+380632842267 – Maksym Skrypchenko
Additional useful information, comments
Private labels possible
* - позиції, обов’язкові до заповнення. У разі відсутності згаданої інформації запит опрацьовуватися не буде
Разом з заповненою формою надсилаються додаткові презентаційні, інформаційні матеріали тощо в електронній формі, англійською мовою або мовою країни, до якої надсилається пропозиція
Full name of the company, year of foundation *
TOV “Ukrainian Solutions”, 2017
ID (registration) code *
Head of the company *
Oleksandr Danylchuk
Products offered for export *
Name and code of the product in accordance with the HCDCS (Harmonized commodity description and coding system) *
Available quality certificates, permits, licenses etc.
ТУ У 05792908.002-97
Countries where the company currently sells its products
Poland, Belgium
Approximate prices, volume and terms of supply
60.81/metric tonne
FOB (by sea, by trucks, by train)
Contact information (mail address, website, e-mail, phone, fax, English speaking contact person) *
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+380632842267 – Maksym Skrypchenko
Additional useful information, comments
Price negotiable
* - позиції, обов’язкові до заповнення. У разі відсутності згаданої інформації запит опрацьовуватися не буде
Разом з заповненою формою надсилаються додаткові презентаційні, інформаційні матеріали тощо в електронній формі, англійською мовою або мовою країни, до якої надсилається пропозиція
Mineralnaturalhydrocarbonatesodiumboricmedicinal-drinkingwaterPolyanaKvasova. ItisoneofthemostfamousandhonorablemineralwatersinUkraine. UniquepropertiesanddistinctivetasteofthemineralwaterPolyanaKvasovahavebeenwell-knowninUkraineandEuropesince 18th century. PolyanaKvasovawashighlyrewardedforitsqualityattheexhibitionsinBudapest, ViennaandParisattheendofthe 19th - inthebeginningofthe 20th century. ThewaterisextractednearthePolyanavillageinTranscarpathia. KvasovainlanguageofRusyns-LemkosandBoikosmeansmineralwater. Bychemicalcompositionitisclassifiedashydrocarbonatesodiumboricmineralwaterwithhighmineralizationlevel 6,5-12,0 g/lt. withnaturalcarbondioxidegascontent.
For more details – please contact us at

TOV “Ukrainian Solutions”
04119, Ukraine, Kyiv, Melnikova str., 3
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Enterprise code41341426
tel.+380632842267, +380988124097
Commercial offer
Dear Partners!We are glad to represent the State Enterprise "Zhytomyr Liquor and Vodka Distillery Factory" which is one of the oldest manufacturingcompanies in Ukraine, founded in 1896, it expresses you respect and offers cooperation and partnership in building distribution and promotion of alcoholic beverages.
Today Zhytomyr Liquor and Vodka Distillery Factory is a state enterprise that produces 52 kinds of alcoholic beverages, namely “Zhytomyr Vodka on Buds”, “Staryi Zhytomyr Vodka. Renewed”, “ Zhytomyr Standard Vodka”, “Chudnoff”, “ Presidential Standard Vodka”, “Teteriv” , “Zubrovka”, “Bester”, “Ambra Vita”.
Zhytomyr Liquor and Vodka Distillery Factory’s vodka and tinctures are famous for pleasant taste, aroma and amazing softness and ease. This is the result of the careful preservation of old recipes and new developments of copyright prescription, using only natural ingredients and strict quality control at all stages of production. Grain alcohol, sweet honey, fruits and berries, herbs are the parts of a rich and a generous Ukrainian land and have been used in original recipes of the factory. So, natural product is a quality product, high quality and originality are the main criteria of our success. Factory products were observed repeatedly in national and international competitions, exhibitions and tastings.
Payment conditions - 100% prepayment, prices are set under conditions of FCA – Zhytomyr city.

Special vodka “ Presidential Standard”
Alcohol content: 38 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.75 l
Price: 1.74 $ / 1.62 €

Special vodka “ Presidential Standard Classic”
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.75 l
Price: 2.24 $ / 2.08 €

Special vodka “ Presidential Standard” shtof
Alcohol content: 38 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.75 l
Price: 5.19 $ / 4.83 €

Special vodka “ Presidential Standard” decorated bottle
Alcohol content: 38 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.5 l
Price: 3.19 $ / 2.97 €

Special vodka “ Presidential Standard” decorated bottle in box
Alcohol content: 38 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.5 l
Price: 3.79 $ / 3.52 €
Special vodka “ Zhytomyr Standard “
Alcohol content: 38 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.25 l , 0.375 l , 0.5 l , 0.7 l
Price: 0.25 l - 0.54 $ / 0.50 €
0.375 l - 0.74 $ / 0.69 €
0.5 l – 1.04 $ / 0.97 €
0.7 l –1.33 $ / 1.24 €
Special vodka “ Zhytomyr Standard Classic “
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.25 l , 0.375 l , 0.5 l , 0.7 l
Price: 0.25 l - 0.54 $ / 0.50 €
0.375 l - 0.74 $ / 0.69 €
0.5 l – 1.04 $ / 0.97 €
0.7 l –1.33 $ / 1.24 €
Special vodka “Stariy Zhytomyr. Renewed “
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.25 l , 0.5 l , 0,375 l, 0.7 l , 1.75 l
Price: 0.25 l - 0.54 $ / 0.50 €
0.375 l - 0.74 $ / 0.69 €
0.5 l – 1.04 $ / 0.97 €
0.7 l –1.33 $ / 1.24 €
1.75 l – 3.19 $ / 2.97 €
Special vodka “ Zhytomyr Сlassic on Birch Buds”
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.25 l , 0.5 l , 0.7 l
Price: 0.25 l - 0.54 $ / 0.50 €
0.5 l – 1.04 $ / 0.97 €
0.7 l –1.33 $ / 1.24 €
Special vodka “ Zhytomyr Silver on Birch Buds”
Alcohol content: 38 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.25 l , 0.5 l
Price: 0.25 l - 0.54 $ / 0.50 €
0.5 l – 1.04 $ / 0.97 €
Special vodka “ Zhytomyr Gold on Birch Buds”
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.25 l , 0.5 l
Price: 0.25 l - 0.54 $ / 0.50 €
0.5 l – 1.04 $ / 0.97 €
Special vodka “Chudnoff”
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.25 l , 0.5 l , 0.7 l
Price: 0.25 l - 0.54 $ / 0.50 €
0.5 l – 1.04 $ / 0.97 €
0.7 l –1.33 $ / 1.24 €
Special vodka “Chudnoff. Propolis”
Alcohol content: 38 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.25 l , 0.5 l , 0.7 l
Price: 0.25 l - 0.54 $ / 0.50 €
0.5 l – 1.04 $ / 0.97 €
0.7 l –1.33 $ / 1.24 €

Tincture “Chudnoff. Kalgan”
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.5 l
Price : 0.5 l – 1.04 $ / 0.97 €

Tincture “Ukrainian with pepper” shtof
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.75 l
Price : 0.75 l – 5.19 $ / 4.83 €

Special vodka “Teteriv”
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.2l, 0.5l, 0.7 l. 1l
Price: 0.2 l - 0.44 $ / 0.41 €
0.5 l – 1.04 $ / 0.97 €
0.7 l –1.33 $ / 1.24 €
1.0 l – 1.79$ / 1.66 €

Tincture “Zubrovka”
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.2 l , 0.5 l
Price: 0.2 l - 0.44 $ / 0.41 €
0.5 l – 1.04 $ / 0.97 €

Tincture «Amber Life»(« AMBRA VITA»)
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 0.7 l
Price: 7,23$/ 6.72 €

Special vodka “BESTER”
Alcohol content: 40 % by vol.
Glass bottles: 1.0 l
Price: 1.0 l – 1.74$ / 1.62 €
The peculiarity of these zeolites is that the content of clinoptilolite in our zeolites is in the range of 75% and above, unlike Chinese zeolites does not require further enrichment and has a high resistance to wear. Having our own field, the plant is able to process tens of tons per hour. Today we can offer various calibrated fraction, up to 500mm, up to 1mm, 1-2mm, 1-3mm, 1-4mm, 1-5 mm, 3-8mm, 4-10mm, 5-10mm, and so on, depending on customer needs, packing products in bags of 25, 50 kg and packaging type of "big-bag".
For more details please do not hesitate to contact us at