Oportunitati de afaceri Ucraina |
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LLC "EKO-TOPLIVO" Dymytrova str, 52, Zaporizhia, 69600, Ukraine Tel. : +38 (050) 819 23 39, +38 (067) 451 69 68
Our company (LLC "EKO-TOPLIVO") is the only Ukrainian manufacturer of a new product for surface oil pickup - lignin sorbent.
Lignin sorbent is a monosize powder made of natural material with a density of 0.55-0.65, non-toxic, floating, does not absorb the water, react with the contaminant for 1-2 minutes, hold in the oil-saturated state for a long time, can be easily applied on the water surface and soil, manually or spraying. Using our product as an oil sorbent you completely solve the problem with its recycling, since it effectively absorbs oil and oil products, can be easily assembled with contaminated surfaces and can be recycled as a high-calorie solid fuel.
With considerable reserves of raw materials and new equipment we are able to produce the sorbent about 30 000 tonnes per year. Product delivery: big bags (1000 kg) or bags (35 kg). Product characteristics: Composition: lignin with 16% moisture. Density: 0.55- 0.65. Toxicity: non-toxic. Absorbance: 1: 8 Reaction time: 1-2 min. Behaviour in water: floating, not absorb water. Spray method: manual or mechanical. Shelf life: unlimited, in big bags under roof. Recycling: burning high-calorie fuel.
Official representative Dmytro Shandra LLC "EKO-TOPLIVO" +38(050) 819-23-39, +38(067) 451-69-68 Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza