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LLC”FOOD COMPANY” «ZAGRAVA» offers to your attention pastas of TM «MAKARELLA».ThegreatdemandonthisproductattheUkrainianmarket provides optimal combination of European quality and accessible prices. Wares of our production repeatedly werethe nominees and laureates of different competitions, which were held in Ukraine on the rank of the best goods. So, in 2004 ourtrademarkbecamethelaureateof the national competition «Higher Test», and in 2007 it wasgiven the rank «The best product of the year». Pastas of ТМ«MAKARELLA»are produced on a modern equipment of Italian producer «BRAIBANTI», with the power of 1600 kgin one hour. Features of the Italian technology allow ustogetpastaswithperfecttastequalities, thatprovideshighconsumerappealand as much as possible satisfies tastes of buyers, makes our product the competitive not only at the Ukrainian market but also abroad. Theguaranteeofproductqualityisthe observance of high culture andthehygieneofproduction, accordance to sanitary and epidemiologic criteria of safety, according to the requirements of sanitary legislation of Ukraine. Confirmation of thisfactistheconclusionofthestate sanitary and epidemiologic examination, certificates of conformity. Special attention ispaidtothe entrance quality of raw materials andthe to initial quality of the made products, which are watched after by the specialists of the enterprise. ForproducingpastasТМ«MAKARELLA»onlythebestdomesticrawmaterialsareused, puredrinkingwater which is cleared with the help of filters «Сalligan»(America). Deep vacuumizing inatestchamber and high-temperature modes of drying areusedintheprocessofproducingpastas, vacuum packing provides a long storage of the product and preservation of its nutrition value. Production process is completely automated and certificated according to the international standardsISO 9001,ISO 22000, HACCP.Company “ZAGRAVA it’s ”100% natural product! We use only high quality raw materials from environmentally friendly agricultural areas. Made on a classic recipe pasta dough: wheat flour highest quality and clean drinking water, no dyes and additives. Features Italian technology can get pasta with amazing taste that retain their shape during cooking. A variety of types and shapes of pasta will please help each hostess with original and useful dishes. LLC«FOODCOMPANY «ZAGRAVA» expands sales markets and offers mutually beneficial cooperation. The main principle of our work is an individual approach to each client. We always aim to provide the best service for our every partner. For wholesale customers the prices are rather available. Discounts are possible.
Contacts +38(066) 7762718; + 38(093) 0364870; +38(0332)78 96 20. e.mail: Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza