TRIBO LTD (Kyiv region) PDF Imprimare Email

Complete name of the enterprise/company: «Belotserkovskyzavod «Tribo» Ltd

Name, surname and position of the managing director of the enterprise/company: IschenkoPavlo, Director

Contact data of the enterprise/company and of person authorized to work with foreign partners:

Levanevskogo str. 95, BilaTserkva, Kiev region, Ukraine


Phone: 0038 (04563) 7-26-20, 7-33-34

Fax: 0038 (04563) 7-01-53

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Alexander Kondrat, Deputy CEO – Commercial Director


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ShevchukAnatoliy, Deputy of Commercial Director

Phone: 0038 (04563) 7-26-20, 7-33-34

Fax: 0038 (04563) 7-01-53

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Savchuk Oleg, Deputy of Commercial Director for foreign market development


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Enterprise/company profile:

«Belotserkovskyzavod «Tribo» Ltd.» has been for over 30 years a leading manufacturer of a wide range of quality brake friction products which find their use in almost all kinds of automotive engineering, agricultural machinery. Our product range includes the following areas:

-clutch linings;

-brake discs and brake linings;

-brake pads.

Amongst our clients there are major automobile manufacturers in more than 20 countries: MAZ, AvtoKrAZ, HTZ, BelAZ, Tyumen Machine Building Plant, the CIS railways and far abroad, and many others. Further information about the company and products can be found on our official website .

Today, our product range has been expanded by new line of brake linings and disc brake pads for trucks and passenger vehicles of foreign manufacturing, branded TM «TriboAutoParts». Also, our company has successfully conducted bench tests of the product on our own dynamometer, which has been purchased and put into operation in 2013 (dynamometer manufactured by Italian company TecSaS.rI). Also carried out performance tests with positive feedback in real traffic situations of varying complexity and in all weather conditions on trucks of one of the largest Western regional carriers– “ZakarpatEvroTrans LLC”.

Physical and technical characteristics of the brake products, manufactured by «Belotserkovskyzavod «Tribo» Ltd.», are at the same quality level as similar products manufactured by leading European manufacturers.

If the enterprise/ company already exports to foreign markets? Which products/services?

CIS countries, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Great Britain, Baltic countries.

Products: clutch linings;brake discs and brake linings;brake pads

What regions are of particular interest for your company regarding export operations? Which products/services your company already exports?

European countries, USA, South America countries, Africa, Middle and far Asia.

What infrastructure or investment projects, tenders abroad are of particular interest for the enterprise/company regarding your participation?

Supplying brake products for the rail road transport on the European market.

Creating dealer network for the promotion of pads for passenger and cargo vehicles.


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