Myronivskyi Grain Storage Plan (Kyiv region) |
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1. Public joint-stock company «Myronivskyi Grain Storage Plant». 2. Chairman of the Board – Vorobiievskyi ViktorVolodymyrovych, Chief accountant–Voloshyn Valentynа Vasylivna. 3. Str. Paryzkoi Komuny, 6, Myronivka, Kyiv region, 08800 Ukraine tel./fax: +38 04574- 5-27-58; +38 04574- 5-15-94 Сontact person – Kravchenko Ihor Mykolaiovych 4. Storage and purchase of grain cereals and oil crops, drying, cleaning, bringing to basic and class grain conditions, processing, storage and shipment. The company is certified and has the appropriate certificate for work with the grain according to the Law of Ukraine "About grain and grain market in Ukraine". There are 12 warehouses which are connected with asphalt roads and 8 of them are connected with the railway track on the territory of the PJSC "Myronivkyi GSP" covering an area of 6.13 hectares. Ground type warehouses of total capacity amount of 33 000 tonnes for synchronous storage, are served for grain cereals and oil crops storage. PJSC "Myronivskyi GSP" has got certified industrial-technical laboratory in its structure. The enterprise is equipped with all appropriate equipment for bringing to basic and class grain conditions, such as gas grain-dryers, grain cleaning section, operational tanks, fixed and movable vehicles for grain moving. There are 6 places of grain unloading from the motor transport and 2 places – from the railway transport, also there are 6 places of grain loading on motor transport and 2 places –on the railway transport on the territory. Technical capabilities of the enterprise allow to accept and ship 2,800 tons of grain cereals and oil crops per day. 5. – 6. EU markets and the Near East markets. 7. Tenders on sale and purchase of grain cereals, oil crops and flour.