Gas supply department of Sodruzhestvo LLC (Kyiv) PDF Imprimare Email

Q u e s t i o n n a i r e

  1. Complete name of the enterprise/company

Gas supply department of “Group of Companies “Sodruzhestvo” LLC

  1. Name, surname and position of the managing director of the enterprise/company

Mr. Viktor Popov, Director General

Mr. Alexander Ovdiienko, Kiev Office Director

  1. Contact data of the enterprise/company and of the person authorized to work with foreign partners (postal address, e-mail, telephone/fax)

29, Pavlovskaya Str., Kyiv, 01135, Ukraine

Tel./fax: +380 (44) 4840275

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Contact person – Mr. Alexander Ovdiienko, Kiev Office Director

  1. Enterprise/company profile

The Company was founded in 1988, and is now one of the leading industrial and financial groups in Ukraine which includes more than 30 modern enterprises and subsidiaries, companies with different activities. The Company employs about 5000 people.

Our main activities are sale, supply and transportation of natural gas, construction and operation of natural gas networks. Our other activities are agriculture, broker services, securities operations, financial market.

With regard to natural gas operations, Group of Companies “Sodruzhestvo” is an independent trading company possessing more than 10 years experience in management of gasification and gas supply enterprises. Today, “Sodruzhestvo” is the managing company for public joint-stock companies “Khersongas”, “Kremenchuggas” and “Gadyachgas” annually transporting more than 2 billion cubic meters of natural gas to all categories of consumers.

  1. If the enterprise/company already exports to foreign markets? Which products/services?


  1. What regions (countries) are of particular interest for your enterprise/ company regarding exports operations? Which products/ services your enterprise/company is ready to export?


  1. What infrastructure or investment projects, tenders abroad are of particular interest for the enterprise/company regarding your participation?

The Group of Companies “Sodruzhestvo” is interested in projects of developing LNG infrastructure for fueling sea/water and automobile passenger and freight transport. We are also interested in projects directed to Modernization of Gas Distribution Companies in accordance with principles of European Energy Legislation.


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