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Dear partners! Sensible nutrition of population is the most important condition for health support of the nation. Scientific studies in Ukraine certify of extremely insufficient consumption and more and more growing deficit of vitamins (А, В, С and Е groups) for a significant part of population. The most natural and efficient method of vitaminic preventive measures and population health support is vitamin fortification of staple foods. “VIKI LTD” Ltd offers a dietary food supplement for food industry, which is a FCF “VITARON-K”, a water-soluble liquid 2% beta-carotene with vitamins E and C (food hygiene certificate of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 05.03.02-04/38022 dated 24.09.2004). Only high-quality natural raw materials are used for “VITARON-K” manufacturing, with constant quality control of end products. “VITARON-K” is designed for application in bakery, confectionary and other branches of industry for the purpose of improving the consumer properties of the products and increasing their biological value (beta-carotene, C and E vitamins fortification): · confectionery; · bakery products; · macaroni products; · drinks; · dairy products (milk, yoghurt, kefir).
Advantages of “VITARON-K”: 1. Introduction of the food supplement «Vitaron-K» ensures twice longer shelf life of bread, which is 48 hours without packaging and 72 hours in a film. 2. Introduction of the food supplement «Vitaron-K» is cost-effective, at the account of bread weighing reduction. 3. Synthetic colorant tartrazine (Е 102) is substituted.
“Vitaron-K” has experience of application at: Ø Kiev macaroni factory – vitaminized macaroni. Ø Bakery plant No.12 – tartrazine substitution by “Vitaron-K” in production of cakes, group of dietic food products. Ø Khmelnitskiy macaroni factory – vitaminized macaroni.
Processing behavior and organoleptical properties of the dye VITARON-K: · orangered liquid (intensive dye); · ideally soluble both in hot and cold water; · has heat resistance in the temperature range – 40 С to 1000 С, with temperature increase up to 2000С the losses will be 25 – 30 %. · high stability in end products. By the processing behavior the natural dye “VITARON-K”, as opposed to synthetic dyes applied at the food industry enterprises, CAUSES NO ALLERGIC REACTIONS. Shelf life – 2 years.
Prices fixed per 1 l of products in USD, VAT 20 % included.
Bakery Products
Fortifying the bakery products with beta-carotene and vitamin E is ensured by the food supplement “Vitaron-K” “Vitaron-K” application in dairy production allows: - improving the structural-mechanical properties of products – specific volume increment of products achieves 5.0 – 6.7%, stability of shape – 10.0 – 13.2%; - increasing the biological value of products; - due to ascorbic acid in the supplement the products have improved quality factors (crumb becomes more flexible and elastic – crumb grain increment is 2.4 – 5.0%, and gains a pleasant, yellowish tinge). “Vitaron-K” supplement promotion in the bakery technologies does not require considerable capital expenditures, since for production of 100 kg of bread only 60 mg of “Vitaron-K” is required, which is soluble in water, as a result whereof it is uniformly distributed in the dough. · The food supplement “Vitaron-K” is the most acceptable in terms of organoleptical properties of bread, and also reasonable in terms of increasing the biological value and storage life of bread. · Introduction of the food supplement “Vitaron-K” improved the organoleptical properties of bread, in particular, the bread crumb gained a beautiful yellow colour, stability of bread shape increased by 7 %, i.e. the volume appeared. · Adding the food supplement “Vitaron-K” into bread increases its biological value. As a result of food supplement “Vitaron-K” introduction, the human organism gets 35% of daily vitamin E and beta-carotene norm. · The bread with food supplement “Vitaron-K” is required for long tourist tours and special military commitments Everyday consumption of bread with “Vitaron-K” contributes to: - increase of organism resistance to adverse ecological impact, including in the zones contaminated by chemical agents, radioactive isotopes; - disintoxication of industrial poison in the organism; - increased body resistance to various diseases and stimulation of immune system; - reduction of cholesterin level in blood and recession of atherosclerotic changes of the cardiovascular system.
Macaroni products The products may be fortified with beta-carotene and vitamin E by means of the food supplement “Vitaron-K” in the formulas already available at the enterprise. When using the food supplement as a natural dye in macaroni production: - marketable condition of the products is improved due to a natural egg colour gained by the products (the product colour remains while boiling); - biological value of the product increases. Regular consumption of macaroni products made with “Vitaron-K” enhances organism resistance to a large variety of diseases and allows protecting the body's cells and tissue against harmful environmental impact. That is why it is recommended to use it in children food in the first and second courses. Beta-carotene content in 100 g of end product is 5-10% of daily human nutrition.
Fortification process Application of “Vitaron-K” requires almost no modification in the process of macaroni production, since it can be easily added at the stage of kneading, uniformly distributed in the dough, and also is a good bonding and plasticizing agent.
We invite you to cooperation. We are looking for long-term mutually beneficial partnership relations with your company and ready to consider your offers of joint actions.